Monday 24 October 2011

Is this the key to the Government's intransigence and denial over the WCA???? me dim, but it has taken me a long while to unearth this report, published in October 2009.  It claims:
·         That a detailed analysis of WCA decisions by experts confirms them to be extremely accurate in identifying who can and cannot work.  This is of course completely at odds with the turnover rate at Tribunal appeal hearings (40%).
·         That substantial changes to descriptors can be justified by corresponding improvements to workplace design, although there is no data to support this.  These changes are disguised under the banners of “removing unnecessary complexities” and “simplification” with the aim of “transparency”.
·         Crucially, to have the support of a number of well respected representative organisations and experts in the field, all listed in Appendix B.
Admittedly it has been superseded by Professor Harrington’s work in 2010, but despite assurances to the contrary, DWP is still blindly following the theme and recommendations here.

I will add to this post once I have looked through the report in more detail.

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